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MFM Ark Of Safety

Prayers for Happy Marriage

Praise and Worship
 1. Lord, I thank You because You will never leave me nor forsake me, in the name of Jesus.
 2. Power that puts marriages asunder shall not prosper in my home, in the name of Jesus.
 3. Lord, strengthen my marriage with the bond of your love, in the name of Jesus.
 4. Spirit and power of sexual lustfulness assigned against my marriage, release me and be bound, in the name of Jesus.
 5. You my marital prayer altar, receive the fire of Holy Spirit and come alive now, in the name of Jesus.
 6. Holy Spirit, break my family members down and remould us according to God’s pattern in the name of Jesus.
 7. My marriage will not follow the evil pattern of my ancestors, in the name of Jesus.
 8. Lord, create in me a new heart and renew the right spirit within me, in the name of Jesus.
 9. Fire of genuine love, burn upon the altar of my life, in the name of Jesus.
 10. Holy Spirit, teach me to bridle my tongue, in the name of Jesus.
 11. Lord Jesus, perfect every imperfection in my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
 12. Power that wants to destroy my marriage, die now, in the name of Jesus.
 13. Powers stealing the milk and the honey of my marriage, release them and die now, in the name of Jesus.
 14. Covenant of marital destruction in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.
 15. Unforgiving spirit, depart from my marriage in the name of Jesus.
 16.    Holy Spirit, teach me to be quick to hear but slow to talk, in the name of Jesus.
 17. Lord, let Your word have free course in my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
 18. By the power of God, I break every dominion of sin in my marriage, in the name of Jesus.
 19. Arrow of destruction fired against my marriage, backfire now, in the name of Jesus.
 20. I soak my marriage in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.
 21. By the blood of Jesus, I reverse every evil word spoken against the peace and joy of my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

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