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Beloved, our message titled, “When your marriage needs deliverance” is very important for all married people and those who want to get married.

God completed everything He needed to do in the Garden of Eden, passed it through His spiritual laboratory and declared that the whole thing was good. But all of a sudden in Genesis 2:18 we come across something that was not good. Genesis 2:18: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” This is the beginning of marriage. There is no history book that goes further than this. Verse 24: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh.” The Bible says: The man shall leave his parents but if he is still tied to their apron strings then deliverance would be needed. It means that it is possible for a man to be married without leaving his parents. The Bible says, “…he shall cleave unto his wife…” wife in the singular, meaning one. It did not say, “his wives.” Also it says, “Therefore shall a man” and not a boy. “… And they shall be one flesh.” This is the foundation of marriage.

The Family

The family is the foundation of civilization. It is a church within a church. It is a world within a world. It is the building block of the society. The family is the root of both the church and the state.

The family is like a book; the children are the pages and the parents are the cover. Nobody has a choice how he is to be born or given birth to. The concept of family originated from God and it is the school of human virtues. If things go right in the family, if marriages go right, everything will go right everywhere.

Forces of Marriages Destruction

There are powers called, “The powers of marriage destruction.” Sometimes, their work starts in the womb. It does not only start when somebody gets married. Once they discover that a person’s marriage will move God’s purpose forward, they will begin to create problems. They are specific powers delegated to pull marriages down.

Many years ago, I prayed with a sister who wanted to get married but her marriage was considered to be very risky by the devil. It was the kind of marriage the devil did not want to permit. One day as we were praying, I saw her standing before me and twelve men were queuing up in her front. The number twelve at the back was the right man, her husband. The Lord was saying that the devil was going to send eleven men before the right person. And one by one, they were coming; the handsome, rich, educated polished, etc, seeking to marry her but she was able to turn them down through prayers. Eventually the right person came along and she was able to fulfill the will of God. However, she almost fell for one of them, whom she really liked; it was the enemy trying to confuse her.

There are specific powers delegated to pull marriages down. Some time ago, some witches gathered in South Africa and fasted for 201 days against Christian marriages. Many marriages are bewitched and sometimes affected persons carry the bewitchment to church, and it is very obvious. Once you see a couple going to church and the husband is walking fast not wanting the wife to be by his side, you know that bewitchment has set in already. Unfortunately, many people do not attach importance to the issue of marriage. Some rush into any kind of marriage just to appear to be married. It is a tragedy that so many sisters have died untimely due to wrong marriages. They would have remained alive if they had not married. The marriage became graveyards to them. It is sad to know that many people do not really care about the type of marriage they get involved in.

A person’s life never remains the same after marriage. Wedding is just for one day while marriage is for life. Many marriages have broken up due to seemingly light issues, but that is the work of bewitchment.

Wedlock or Padlock

Many people will help you to organize your wedding but marriage is between two people. The next horrible thing after hell fire is a bad marriage. Marriage is an institution created by God. Marriage can make or mar your life in no small measure. But a good and Godly marriage is a bedrock of correct living and success.

There is no difference between wedlock and padlock. Wedlock is padlock – those concerned are padlocked. Marriage is either a holy wedlock or an unholy padlock. The wedding ring that many people desire so much is the smallest handcuff in history. The truth is; it is better to be laughed at that you are not married than for you to be unable to laugh because you are married.

Anyone who enters into a marriage relationship because the woman is beautiful or because the man is handsome is like a man who bought a house because he likes the paint. If a child of God marries a child of the devil, Satan, his or her father-in-law will trouble his or her life.

When a marriage is wrong, the children from such a marriage are in bondage. If marriages work in our society, a lot of things will start going on very well. A lot of marriages have been caged by the enemy. That is why you find some pastors beating up their wives. The enemy knows that once he causes disunity in a home, that family will not move forward. Also, the devil has a way of bringing problems when couples are at the edge of their breakthroughs and they will start fighting and miss the breakthroughs.

What Kind of Marriages Need Deliverance?

1. Marriages where communication has broken down. I have seen couples that write notes to themselves instead of talking and they live in the same flat. The man would bring his girlfriend home and the woman too would bring her boyfriend home. The boyfriend of the woman and the man’s girlfriend would greet each other but the couple would not talk to each other. When communication breaks down, it is a sign that bewitchment has set in. Deliverance is therefore needed. It means that the enemy has become a third party in the marriage. It is very unfortunate to know that marriages conducted in Pentecostal churches break down now unlike in the olden days when it was unheard of.

2. Marriages where in-laws have taken over, deliverance is needed.

3. Marriages retained by money. The couple stays together as long as there is money. Immediately there is no money, it breaks down.

4. Regretted marriages. These are situations where partners do not have time for one another.

5. Marriages where both parties are actors and actresses. They pretend as if things are alright but within, fighting, cursing and quarrelling dominate the relationship. There are many acting husbands and wives.

6. When the marriage has entered into a third party cage. That is the home is controlled by a third party. It could be the husband’s friends or in-laws.

7. Shallow marriages. This is where there is no true love. The people involved just got married for some purposes.

8. Marriages where there is an abusive husband and a stubborn wife.

9. Marriages where both parties are committing adultery. The only way a person can be free from this is to remain on fire always.

10. Troubled marriages. These are situations where you have sicknesses, satanic attacks, surgical operations, children problem, lack of peace, etc.

11. Marriages where couples beat and bite one another. Baby husbands beat their wives and baby wives bite their husbands.

12. Polygamous marriages. Anyone who is a product of polygamy, needs to go for deliverance. All polygamous marriages need restitution and deliverance.

13. Marriages with the foundation of sex before marriage. If a couple had sex with each other before they were joined in marriage, the marriage would suffer attacks from the enemy because they have offended God. The Bible says that marriage is honorable and the bed must remain undefiled but God will judge adulterers and adulteresses. Once you build the foundation of your marriage on sex before marriage, you will certainly have troubles.

14. Marriages to satanic agents.

15. Marriages with the foundation of accidental pregnancy. When people rush into marriage due to pregnancy, there would be problems.

16. Marriages as a result of demonic consultation.

17. Forced marriages. Marriages where couples were forced into the relationship either by parents or others.

18. Child marriages. Situations where children of age eight, twelve, thirteen etc are given out for marriage would create problems.

19. Marriages based on tribal sentiments.

20. Marriages as a result of demonic prophecies.

21. Marriages with the foundation of trial and error. Marriages entered into after some samplings have a bad foundation.

22. Marriages with blood covenant.

23. Marriages in which the bride’s legs were washed with water on the wedding day.

24. Marriages in which a goat or any other animal was attached to any of the parties, or the couple was given a small girl to take away.

25. All marriages done in a crude traditional way need deliverance. Deliverance is needed for marriages done with alcohol, alligator pepper, cola nuts, etc.

26. Marriage in which the bride was stolen. That is there was no dowry, no engagement and no marriage. The woman just moved into the man’s house. For such marriages, correction marriage alone is not the answer, deliverance is needed.

27. Marriages for the purpose of obtaining documents.

28. Couples that have the problem of spirit husband and spirit wife. Such marriages need deliverance.

29. Marriages where the husband sleeps with his in-laws.

30. Marriages where the couples secretly carry out abortions.

31. Marriages where both families never agree and the couples too are not born again.

Beloved, the enemy has really worked hard in this area of human life and is still doing so. The enemy knows that marriage goes beyond the two people involved. It concerns generations and family trees on both sides. The enemy struggles hard to ensure that marriages are built on wrong foundations so that he can do his work of destruction very well. Unfortunately for the ladies, many nice men do not start out very rich and those that are rich treat women like money.

There are demonic influences fighting against marriages that try to work. This is why family prayers are essential for Christians. The family that prays together stays together. God is angry with Christian couples who do not pray together. Families that do not pray together are looking for serious trouble.

Jeremiah 10:25 says, “Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not thy name: for they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured him, and consumed him, and have made his habitation desolate.”

Many dangers are done at night. The Bible says, “While men slept the enemy came and sowed tares.” Danger comes when husband and wife go to sleep without clearing their disagreement. If you do not settle your disagreement before going to bed every night, there will be a third party on your bed with you. The devil will be the third party. Some husbands are possessed; some wives too, are possessed. There are some people whose natural body would like to preserve the marriage but the spirits within them will be seeking to destroy it; and when there is trouble, they begin to regret. They apologize to one another only to go back to the trouble again.

A sister whose husband is a womanizer, or a drunkard, or a smoker or a gambler or someone that uses charms and believes in it, reads occult books or attends occult meetings or has unbelievers as his friends will only survive in that marriage by carrying out spiritual warfare every night because any time he goes out, he brings in new demons. You need to understand what you are doing so that you do not get involved in that which will pull your life down.

Marriages where couples talk to themselves in a bad language will be destroyed. Nagging and quarreling in a marriage are signs that there is a bewitching force pursuing that marriage.

How to Deliver Your Marriage

What you should do to avoid these attacks:

1. Get born again. The first thing is new birth. If you got married as unbelievers, or your partner is not born again, you need to pray for new birth.

2. Complete repentance.

3. You must seek God’s face for the right partner that is if you are not married yet. If you are, it is too late. You must pray foundational deliverance prayer for your marriage. If you discover that marriages do not work in your family, do not deceive yourself by thinking that those forces will not attack your own.

4. You must cultivate the garden of your heart daily- pray about it daily.

5. Pray consistently for your partner.

6. Your family altar must be on fire.



1. Every strong man of marriage destruction, die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Every problem introduced into my life by the marriage of my parents, die, in the name of Jesus.

3. Every ancestral spirit husband/wife, your time is up, die, in the name of Jesus.

4. Every witchcraft power of my father’s house, release my marriage, in the name of Jesus.

5. Every owner of evil load in my marriage, carry your load, in the name of Jesus.

6. Within seven days, every power pursuing my peace shall be buried, in the name of Jesus.

7. O God, arise and advertise your power in my life, in the name of Jesus.

8. Every evil tree growing in my family line, die, in the name of Jesus.

By Dr. D. K. Olukoya

General Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries

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